Friday, October 7, 2011


I have never really been interested in the whole blogging idea until recently when I started following my cousins blog. Its pretty awesome because even if I don't get to talk to her every day I know what is going on in her life through her blog (she posts every single day!). anyhoo latley my life has changed a whole lot and I think its a good time to start putting all of it into words. I have never been the best at this kind of stuff so don't expect too much! I guess im supposed to start with some kind of introduction so here goes nothing.

I am 22 years old (23 in January!) and have lived in Florida my entire life. I have no brothers or sisters and honestly I thought it was the greatest thing until a few years ago when I realized how cool it would be to have someone to share the ups and downs with. My favorite color is green I love to read and am a sucker for any kind of candy that is not chocolate.  I am a server at a restaurant called Tijuana Flats and I have worked there for almost FIVE years now....holy crap that seems awful!! Its a tex mex kinda full service kinda not restaurant it pays well and it honestly isn't that bad of a job at all!!!! I was a manager for a year and stepped down in February because I wanted to pursue a career as a flight attendant that was right around the time that I moved in with my boyfriend, Lucas. Lucas and I met last Thanksgiving at my aunt and uncles house. One of my cousins had invited him over to celebrate with us and I guess we kind of hit if off then :) we played cornhole and washed dishes together (I even cut him with a knife on accident and he is STILL around, although I haven't seen him do any dishes since that day) . If you ask him he will tell you that we me before that Thanksgiving day maybe even more than once but I don't remember so it doesn't count! Anyways he is so wonderful and I am so so so lucky to have him in my life.  Back to the flight attendant thing, it was late April and I had just started at my new job (when I stepped down I moved locations to be closer to my new home) I was starting to get everything together so I could start the application process, I had to get a new birth certificate and social security card because somehow my mom lost it! Yes I know what you're thinking how does her mom loose those 2 important documents ESPECIALLY when she only has one child?!?! I was thinking the same thing but back to the story, once I had everything I needed except for a passport it was the middle of May and I realized that I was late for that thing us girls get once a month. I figured it was because i was in a new environment it had to be a fluke little did I know I was PREGNANT!?!?!?! Me Alicia pregnant? But I never wanted kids I thought they were awful and loud and smelly and life ruiners! I wanted to travel the world and spend all my money on ME!!! Yep I was pregnant and for some reason i wasn't even mad or sad about it (just about how my mom would react) I mean come on I had not even lived with my boyfriend for two months and I was already knocked up! Turns out mom wasn't mad just a little overwelmed and now I am  five months pregnant and I honestly could not be happier. I have the most loving and supportive people around me and I can't imagine life any other way. Lucas and I recently found out that this little bundle of joy of ours is a BOY! and his name is Maddox Harrison! we have the next 4 months to get ready for him to show up and we could not be more excited about meeting our little one. I cannot wait to share the next four months and the beginnings of mommyhood with you!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I totally forgot you had a blog!!!!! I'm following now and I feel so special to know that I'm the one who conned you into starting a blog of your own! YAY! I love this!
